Swiss Federal Audit Office SFAO

1 Effective requirements management
Good ICT procurement

Good ICT procurement commences with requirements.

Effective ICT requirements management in the Confederation is extremely important as a prerequisite for cost-effective and sustainable ICT procurement. The Confederation-wide ICT requirements and specifications have been a federal standard since 1 December 2014. This instrument is still being developed in organisational and operational terms. The FITSU's efforts to strengthen requirements management are to be supported.

2 Responsibility management problems
Absence of procurement strategy

The role of the procurement strategy body is to be developed.

Under the Ordinance on the Organisation of Federal Public Procurement, the Federal Procurement Conference (FPC) is the Federal Administration 's strategy body for the procurement of goods and services, particularly in the area of ICT procurement, and is managed by the FOBL. Overall management or steering of procurement activities, together with the necessary authority to issue directives, has not been effectively established as yet. Consistent lead buyer-oriented product group responsibility is to be sought or built up instead of delegations of authority from the FOBL. Procurement strategies should be set out and implemented for relevant product groups.

3 Legal certainty
Eliminating the purchasing success

A new article in the PPA / PPO should improve investment protection and support competition.

The current ICT procurement trend shows that the legal certainty sought with WTO procedures is often at the expense of economic efficiency. Particularly when procuring software, this practice leads to some high migration costs and to the depreciation of earlier investments, thereby eliminating the purchasing successes and bundling effects achieved. This deficiency with regard to replacements (re-procurements) should be eliminated with an investment protection article, requiring mandatory contractual clauses such as inspection, benchmark, renegotiation and withdrawal rights. The initial procurement should still have to be carried out via a compliant procurement procedure like before.

4 Too long intervals reporting
Less steering possibilities

Procurement controlling at shorter intervals for more steering possibilities.

The federal payment statistics published annually are submitted to the Federal Council with rec-ommended measures for approval. The instrument for informing the Federal Council is in itself a good one. Systematic bypassing can be detected with the reporting. Accordingly, overarching steering measures can be taken. However, the annual publication cycle means that the instrument has little impact and is not suitable as a steering or procurement controlling instrument. The annual publication cycle should be shortened to a quarterly one. System-based and reproducible monthly analysability should be targeted.


Based on the statistics for the Confederation's procurement payments, the ICT procurement volume was just over CHF 298 million in 2013 according to the FOBL.

Procurement controlling at shorter intervals for more steering possibilities

The federal payment statistics published annually are submitted to the Federal Council with rec-ommended measures for approval. The instrument for informing the Federal Council is in itself a good one. Systematic bypassing can be detected with the reporting. Accordingly, overarching steering measures can be taken. However, the annual publication cycle means that the instrument has little impact and is not suitable as a steering or procurement controlling instrument. The annual publication cycle should be shortened to a quarterly one. System-based and reproducible monthly analysability should be targeted.


The SFAO conducted a financial supervision and procurement audit in the Federal Office for Buildings and Logistics (FOBL) and in the Federal IT Steering Unit (FITSU) during the second quarter of 2015. One area of focus was the cost effectiveness assessment of the procurement of ICT products with the potential to be standard products. In particular, the fields considered concern criteria for standards, investment protection, lifecycle costs, procurement bundling and activities for establishing ICT standard products.

Procurement controlling at shorter intervals for more steering possibilities

The federal payment statistics published annually are submitted to the Federal Council with rec-ommended measures for approval. The instrument for informing the Federal Council is in itself a good one. Systematic bypassing can be detected with the reporting. Accordingly, overarching steering measures can be taken. However, the annual publication cycle means that the instrument has little impact and is not suitable as a steering or procurement controlling instrument. The annual publication cycle should be shortened to a quarterly one. System-based and reproducible monthly analysability should be targeted.

The items above were selected and named by the e-Government Subgroup of the EUROSAI IT Working Group on the basis of publicly available report of the author Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI). In the same way, the Subgroup prepared the analytical assumptions and headings. All readers are encouraged to consult the original texts by the author SAIs (linked).