Bundesrechnungshof BRH

1 Insufficient plan, monitoring and control of consultancy work
Risk: overpayment and deficient results achievement

The Federal Ministry of the Interior intends to update, centralise and enhance the security of the federal IT system by means of the two large-scale projects “Networks of the Federal Government”and “Federal IT Consolidation”. For this purpose, the Ministry commissioned consultants. It needs to ensure that deadlines are met, cost limits are complied with and project results are of the required quality.

The Ministry planned consultancy work only in broad terms, but did not established a quality management system to ensure that deadlines are met, cost limits are complied with and project results are of the required quality. The Ministry was unable to evaluate with criteria the work done by the consultants, and if the service they provided was adequate.


The Federal Ministry of the Interior intends to update, centralise and enhance the security of the federal IT system by means of the two large-scale projects “Networks of the Federal Government”and “Federal IT Consolidation”. For this purpose, the Ministry commissioned consultants. It needs to ensure that deadlines are met, cost limits are complied with and project results are of the required quality.


See the BRH 2017 Annual Report

The items above were selected and named by the e-Government Subgroup of the EUROSAI IT Working Group on the basis of publicly available report of the author Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI). In the same way, the Subgroup prepared the analytical assumptions and headings. All readers are encouraged to consult the original texts by the author SAIs (linked).