Latvijas Republikas Valsts Kontrole

State Audit Office of Latvia (LRVK)

Actions of national and municipal authorities to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations under the Loan Agreement “Safety Net and Social Sector Reform Program” between the Republic of Latvia and the World Bank Read full summary in English

2011 report autoID-LRVK:20130423101557

The audit was planned and conducted so as to provide reasonable assurance that the national and municipal authorities have implemented the measures specified in the Program Document and ensured the fulfilment of the prescribed performance targets.

In the report page 5, 7

- The registers are not interconnected, nor coordinated

- No individual monitoring of beneficiaries' live situation

- Some unemployed people receive the same benefits in various places

- After finding job some people still receive benefits

- Status of potential beneficiaries is wrongly identified

The risk cases visible on this page are collected and described by the e-Government Subgroup of the EUROSAI IT Working Group in contact with author Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI). In the same way, analytical assumptions and headings are chosen by the Subgroup. We encourage you to read the original texts by SAIs - to be found in the linked files.