Latvijas Republikas Valsts Kontrole

State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia (LRVK)

Material–technical supply of the State Police Read full text in English

2014 report 5.1-2-10/2013

The main aim of the audit was to obtain assurance about whether the State budget funds allocated for material–technical supply of functions of the State Police were legitimate and efficient. The audit included inspections performed at the State Police, the Ministry of the Interior and the Information Centre and focused on: the Biometric data processing system and the Criminal Procedure information system.

In the report: part 12.1

- no unified information technology development strategy for the sector of the interior

- no long-term IKT development plans for defining the development aims and priorities of IKT have been created

In the report: part 12.1, 16

- No long-term IKT development plans for defining the development aims and priorities of IKT have been created

- The Ministry of the Interior has not provided evaluation of necessary measures for creation and implementation of the Criminal Procedure system, including assessment of requirements for the use of the system prior to its creation and stipulation of appropriate technical requirements; for example, the technical specifications of the Criminal Procedure system include the system's performance requirements for the speed of users' activities which were calculated based on only five simultaneous users.

In the report: part 13.3, 13.4, 16, 18

- The Ministry of the Interior has not provided evaluation of necessary measures for creation and implementation of the Criminal Procedure system, includingassessment of requirements for the use of the system prior to its creation and stipulation of appropriate technical requirements

- the data entered into the information system are incomplete and entered with delay.

- the initially purchased equipment in was insufficient. As the result the State Police has not been provided with the necessary end-user equipment.

- the technical specifications of the Criminal Procedure system include the system's performance requirements for the speed of users' activities which were calculated based on only five simultaneous users.

In the report: part 16, 17, 21.1

- The Ministry of the Interior has not provided evaluation of necessary measures for creation and implementation of the Criminal Procedure system, includingassessment of requirements for the use of the system prior to its creation and stipulation of appropriate technical requirements

- the stipulation of necessary end-user equipment in the State Police for usage of the Biometric System has been delayed

- the decisions on evaluation of data quality requirements of the Biometric system and transfer of appropriate quality data from external systems has been delayed

- the purchased computers were distributed to the officials of the State Police only in 84% of cases and most of them (54%) were distributed 7–10 months after the date of purchase;

In the report: part 14.1

- the data entered into the information system are incomplete and entered with delay.

- the initially purchased equipment in was insufficient. As the result the State Police has not been provided with the necessary end-user equipment.

- the technical specifications of the Criminal Procedure system include the system's performance requirements for the speed of users' activities which were calculated based on only five simultaneous users.

- (86%) who have a connection to the system had not used the Biometric system not a single time

- 18 out of totally 39 departments of the State Police (45%) where the end-user equipment of the Biometrics system is installed have not performed a single activity of adding data or identification or verification of persons;

- the aim of creation of the system, which was to ensure registration of all information related to criminal procedure in the spot and time of its occurrence, has not been achieved.

In the report: part 13.3

- The Ministry of the Interior has not provided evaluation of necessary measures for creation and implementation of the Criminal Procedure system, including assessment of requirements for the use of the system prior to its creation and stipulation of appropriate technical requirements; for example, the technical specifications of the Criminal Procedure system include the system's performance requirements for the speed of users' activities which were calculated based on only five simultaneous users.

- The auditors' calculations show that if the missing equipment would be purchased according to the plans developed by the Ministry of the Interior then at least 1,03 million lats or 49% of the planned amount would be spent for covering the increase of licence purchase fees necessary for functions of the system; for example, the price of one special quality control licence has increased from 122 lats in 2012 to 6000 lats and price of one biometric data processing expert licence necessary for processing images of fingerprints or handprints has increased from 9150 lats to 24 500 lats

The risk cases visible on this page are collected and described by the e-Government Subgroup of the EUROSAI IT Working Group in contact with author Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI). In the same way, analytical assumptions and headings are chosen by the Subgroup. We encourage you to read the original texts by SAIs - to be found in the linked files.