Latvijas Republikas Valsts Kontrole

State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia (LRVK)
Better and faster Internet - Background

"The aim of the project was to provide better and faster Internet for both individuals and businesses. The public administration should also benefit, which would become more and easier accessible to the public through e-services."

Deficiencies in planning process

"the initial deliverables of the project, whose values were determined unreasonably optimistic, also testify to the insufficient and low-quality analysis of the current situation in the project planning."

"The State Audit Office detected deficiencies not only in the planning of the Broadband project, but also in the planning process of electronic communications policy in general."

Recommendation 1 Improving the planning process of electronic communications policy, making it comprehensive and data-based
Crucial problem underestimated

"the MoT underestimated the risks that due to low population density and insufficient solvency outside the cities, the service providers would not be interested in developing the last mile network even from the nearest network infrastructure built."

"One should note that although the MoT is aware of the problems associated with the development of the last mile, it does not solve them actively."

Lack of comprehensive information

"comprehensive information on electronic communications networks is not available."

Recommendation 2 Ensuring the availability of information regarding the infrastructure built in the electronic communications sector and facilitate its sharing
Quality lower than expected

"Although the number of connections to the network of mobile operators provides many times more users with Internet access, according to the study, the quality of communications in the mobile network is volatile and load-dependent, thus failing to meet the goal set by the European Commission (EC) of not only high-speed but also constant Internet connection."

"There is no single national development plan for electronic communications network, as a result the state has built overlapping network routes."

Recommendation 3 Improving the monitoring of broadband network development projects and compliance with both national legislation and EU commitments, as well as promoting project transparency
Impact not determined

"Despite the large-scale government intervention in the Broadband project of 62 million euros, one cannot determine the impact of those investments on the generally good Internet access indicators in Latvia."

The items above were selected and named by the e-Government Subgroup of the EUROSAI IT Working Group on the basis of publicly available report of the author Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI). In the same way, the Subgroup prepared the analytical assumptions and headings. All readers are encouraged to consult the original texts by the author SAIs (linked).