Najwyższa Izba Kontroli

Supreme Audit Office of Poland (NIK)

IT Police Systems Read full summary in English

2013 report 33/2013/P/12/096/KPB

Implementation by the Polish Police of two IT projects (E-police station and Command Support System - CSS) was audited. Both systems were to relieve the Police officers and increase the quality and effectiveness of their work. Audit explained the reason of failure in the case of E-police station project and success in the case of CSS. Although some irregularities occurred in both cases, careful planning and organization of the project turned out to make the difference. Accordance with the public procurement law was not part of the audit as a separate investigation in that matter was carried by respective Polish authorities.

In the report page 1, 4

- The Police HQ did not prepare formal documents required by the Police internal regulations

- In case of 'E-police station': taking ad hoc decisions

In the report page 3, 6

- No formal training system for the application users was prepared

- The level and number of trainings were in many cases not sufficient enough

- The hardware passed to the Police organisational units to operate 'E-police station' was in most cases not used to work with the application

In the report: part (page 2, 5)

- Actions aimed at obtaining the copyrights to the systems were commenced by the Police HQ with significant delay.

- Hindered and delayed full exploitation and further developed of the systems

In the report page 1, 3

- Project planning process was conducted without preparation and without due diligence

- No universe conception on how to implement the project was prepared by the Police HQ organisational units

- The project was implemented during a conflict between two Police Departments – the one responsible for the implementation of IT projects, and the one representing the end user of the application (Police officers)

- Hindered developement of the system

- The application has not yet been implemented into the police practices

- The launch of E-police station application in the Police field organisational units was conducted illegally

In the report: part (page 4, 5)

- The Police HQ’s appointed organisational structures responsible for the implementation of CSS in the Police and a legal act was issued that regulated the system functioning and its implementation timetable

- The Chief Police Officer prepared privacy policy and user’s manual for the system

- The preparation of CSS implementation in Police organisational units was carried out in a reliable and systematic way

- Fulfilled duties of the administrator of personal data processed in CSS required by the law

- The CSS was implemented timely and is used in practice, especially by the duty officers in Police organisational units in the whole country

The risk cases visible on this page are collected and described by the e-Government Subgroup of the EUROSAI IT Working Group in contact with author Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI). In the same way, analytical assumptions and headings are chosen by the Subgroup. We encourage you to read the original texts by SAIs - to be found in the linked files.