
Swedish National Audit Office

Government control of national information and cyber security – both urgent and important

2023 SE2023natInfoCyberSecurity
  • - The Government’s national cyber security strategy outlines a number of objectives. Problems still remain in all areas of the strategy, six years after its introduction.
  • - National cyber security strategy
  • - international regulatory framework
  • - managing risks, threats and vulnerabilities
  • - prioritization of efforts
  • - relation to the EU

the ministries and government agencies proceed based on their respective goals and priorities . This makes it difficult to ensure that the implemented efforts are the appropriate ones for Sweden’s national information and cyber security, and that the efforts are carried out efficiently. (…) The Government’s control has therefore largely been based on separate issues that have not been valued or ranked on the basis of their benefits to Sweden as a whole.

A clear example of shortcomings in strategic considerations is Sweden’s approach to the issues within and in relation to the EU. The work in the EU is high paced and if Sweden is not engaged and influences that work early on, there is a great risk that the international regulatory framework will not favour Swedish interests to the same extent as would otherwise have been possible.

The exchange of information is burdened with certain legal, technical and cultural challenges. It is therefore important that the Government Offices and the government agencies find forms for addressing these challenges.

Code (gexf) to continue analysis with GephiTerminology graph
The items above were selected and named by the e-Government Subgroup of the EUROSAI IT Working Group on the basis of publicly available report of the author Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI). In the same way, the Subgroup prepared the analytical assumptions and headings. All readers are encouraged to consult the original texts by the author SAIs (linked).