Primary objectives not met
Not comprehensive and not up-to-date
"Inadequate IT management and insufficient user activity has led to the failure to meet the primary objective of the Public Property Register, which is to be a comprehensive unique and up-to-date record. "
Needs of users not met
Low usability of the application
"During the development and procurement of this system, users were not involved in the process of defining the requirements, which resulted in a number of users developing and using their own application. Also, due to the lack of methodology for estimating real estate values, users have not been able to enter all the data. "
"Users have partly or have not entered data because: they do not recognize the application as a logging system useful for them, with all the functionality they need, and have not even used it; in some cases, users do not have all the information they need when entering the data in the Register."
Impractical access control
"Logical access control as one of the information security measures should be practical in addition to providing the required level of security, which is not the case here. In this case, mode of accessing the application made it difficult for users to operate it, and users have not taken the appropriate steps to resolve the issue, causing reduced data entry and updating. "