
Assessment or projection of the future prospects and conditions of an organization, business or industry. It involves analyzing various factors that can impact the performance and success of the business over a specific period. The outlooks are typically forward-looking and aim to provide insights into potential opportunities, challenges, and trends that may affect the organization.

Creating a comprehensive business outlook involves gathering data, conducting market research, and using analytical tools to make informed predictions about the future. This information is valuable for decision-makers within the organization, helping them develop strategies, allocate resources, and make informed business decisions in light of potential opportunities and challenges.

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The outlook closely relate to:

Economic Factors – Consideration of overall economic conditions, such as GDP growth, inflation, interest rates, and unemployment rates, that can impact business operations.

Industry Trends – Analysis of trends within the specific industry in which the business operates, including technological advancements, regulatory changes, and market dynamics.

Market Conditions – Examination of market demand, competition, and customer behavior to understand potential shifts in the market that could impact the business.

Financial Performance – Evaluation of the organization’s financial health, including revenue, profit margins, cash flow, and overall financial stability.

Global Factors – Assessment of global factors, such as geopolitical events, trade policies, and international economic conditions, which can influence a business operating on a global scale.

Technological Changes – Consideration of advancements in technology that may affect the business model, production processes, or the way products and services are delivered.

Social and Cultural Factors – Examination of societal and cultural trends that may influence consumer preferences, brand perception, and overall market dynamics.

Regulatory Environment – Analysis of existing and potential regulations that may impact the business, including compliance requirements and changes in government policies.


The concept created in context of the four stages in the existence of a product: introduction, growth, maturity and decline. A phase of re-introduction then can be initiated then or the product may then be removed from the market. In broader sense, the lifecycle concept can be applied not only to products, but also to whole organizations, systems, services and some processes (e.g. to audit process). The lifecycle phenomenon constitutes a basis for deeper understanding of business and properly operated change management.

The Public Key Infrastructure provides high trustworthiness at manageable costs. However, the change, release, and life-cycle management must be improved. PKI should be integrated into the Release Conference of the BIT to better coordinate planned changes and updates. Necessary hardware, software, and other components are renewed in a timely manner-Certain issues related to encryption that need to be addressed, such as the management of encryption keys and the regulations regarding their storage and archiving. Additionally, the report suggests that in practice, too many documents are unnecessarily or falsely classified and encrypted. -The issue of how long the BIT is obligated to keep the key pairs should be addressed, and that a systematic solution for re-encryption over time should be established
Examination of development and operation of the public key infrastructure SFAO - Switzerland 2023


Process of introducing market-oriented principles and business practices into a government-run or state-owned organization, product or service. In essence, it involves treating the provision of a service as a commercial enterprise, with the aim of improving efficiency, reducing government involvement, and potentially generating revenue.

Switching from the current self-developed SG PKI to a commercial product would likely have a long amortization time, and the risks associated with external procurement would need to be carefully evaluated.
Examination of development and operation of the public key infrastructure SFAO - Switzerland 2023

INs and OUTs (section under development)

coming in

going out

Controls to review

regulation, documentation, reports