
Benefits management is a structured approach to identifying, planning, tracking, and realizing the benefits of an activity, programme, project or initiative within an organization. Benefits management is a strategic discipline that helps organizations maximize their value. It aims to ensure a governance focus on the intended outcomes and alignment with the broader goals of the organization.

Close terminology

Value Management - Similar to benefits management, value management focuses on maximizing the overall value delivered by a project or program. It involves identifying, optimizing, and realizing value throughout the project lifecycle.

Outcome Management - This involves managing and optimizing the intended outcomes or results of a project or program. Outcomes are closely related to benefits and represent the changes or impacts the project aims to achieve.

ROI (Return on Investment) - ROI is a financial metric that measures the profitability or cost-effectiveness of an investment. Benefits management often involves calculating and maximizing the ROI of a project by ensuring that the benefits outweigh the costs.

Stakeholders’ needs

Domain knowledge is needed to facilitate effective stakeholder engagement during the initiation stages. Understand the needs, concerns, and expectations of stakeholders within the domain, enables better communication and collaboration. This understanding is crucial for aligning activity goals with organizational objectives.

Two services ("Issuance, amendment and cancellation of pollution permits" and "Issuance of permits to keep wild animals in captivity") are among the most frequently used by the Environmental Protection Agency services, but they are not provided electronically. Such examples indicate that the benefit or need for digitization is not properly assessed when the electronic service is not used or when there is a high number of cases of use, but the conditions for receiving the service electronically are not created.
Management of digitalization of public and administrative services VK - Lithuania 2023

Individuals do not see significant benefits from using eAddress currently and are not motivated to begin using eAddress without clear additional benefits voluntarily. (...) communication with the state could explain the low activity of individuals.
Does the country ensure effective use of the official electronic address in communication with individuals and businesses? LRVK - Latvia 2021

INs and OUTs (section under development)

coming in

going out

Controls to review

regulation, documentation, reports