
Monitoring of business processes involves the systematic observation, analysis, and oversight of various activities and workflows within an organization to ensure efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance with established objectives. This ongoing surveillance includes tracking key performance indicators, identifying bottlenecks, and evaluating overall performance to facilitate informed decision-making and continuous improvement. By employing monitoring tools and methodologies, businesses can optimize their processes, enhance productivity, and respond promptly to emerging challenges, ultimately contributing to the overall success and sustainability of the organization.

Close terminology

Workflow Oversight – The systematic supervision of the sequence of tasks and activities within a business process to identify and address any inefficiencies or deviations from desired outcomes.

Operations Surveillance – The continuous monitoring of operational activities to ensure they align with organizational objectives and contribute to overall efficiency.

Performance Analysis – The examination of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to evaluate how well a business process is performing and identify areas for enhancement.

Activity Tracking – The systematic recording and monitoring of individual tasks and actions within a process to gain insights into their efficiency and effectiveness.

Efficiency Evaluation – The assessment of how well processes and activities are executed, with a focus on minimizing resource utilization and maximizing output.

Business Process Management (BPM) – A holistic approach to optimizing and managing end-to-end business processes, encompassing design, execution, monitoring, and improvement.


The process begins with the initiation phase where the need for monitoring is identified, e.g. by goal-setting , planning or coordination processes. It most often defines monitoring objectives and identifies key performance indicators ( KPIs ).


There is a structured methodology or framework needed in place for conducting monitoring activities. This may include predefined metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs), or specific techniques for data collection and analysis.


A critical dimension that encompasses the regular and consistent observation of processes, systems, or activities over time. It involves tracking performance metrics, trends, and patterns to assess how they evolve, fluctuate, or remain stable over different time intervals. By analyzing data longitudinally, organizations can detect early warning signs of issues, evaluate performance against targets, drive continuous improvement, and make informed decisions. The time dimension also enables organizations to assess the impact of interventions, anticipate future trends, and proactively address challenges, ultimately contributing to enhanced efficiency, effectiveness, and resilience in operations.

Data Collection


Data Analysis



Setting up alerts for critical thresholds or deviations. Requires: definition of alert criteria and establishing notification mechanisms.

Incident response

Special alerts address issues or incidents identified through monitoring. To work properly, the incident response mechanism needs well calibrated indicators and then applies response procedures to start corrective actions .


Monitoring by definition generates regular reports for own organisation and stakeholders. Apart from statistics, summary of key findings it usually contains recommendations for next steps.

Cost accounting

Accounting that studies the costs and profits relating to different parts of a business.

INs and OUTs (section under development)

coming in

going out

Controls to review

regulation, documentation, reports