
Key products and services. It can be the tangible products, for instance: automobiles, electronics, or clothing. In a service-oriented activity, the output would be the services provided, such as consulting, software development, or financial advisory services.

Close terminology

Deliverable: An item or work product that is delivered to a customer, client, or stakeholder as part of a project or contractual obligation.

Product: A tangible item that is manufactured or produced, often for sale. This is a broad term that encompasses physical goods.

Service: An intangible offering provided by a business to meet a specific need or demand. Services can include activities, expertise, or assistance.

Yield: The quantity or amount of a specific product or service produced by a process or system.


Output meets specified quality standards , as well as legal and industry requirements Consistency in quality is observed across batches or iterations.


Accuracy of data, information, or calculations - the output aligns with the intended specifications.


The output includes all the necessary components and meets the full scope of requirements. No essential elements are missing.

Several principles of eAddress do not work - guaranteed delivery does not always work and the recipient does not always receive messages, when state institutions do not connect to and use the eAddress, electronic correspondence is not kept in one place, the eAddress communication is not closely related to announcing e-services results, etc.
Does the country ensure effective use of the official electronic address in communication with individuals and businesses? LRVK - Latvia 2021


The output is delivered within the expected timeframe - deadlines and schedules.

Initially, it was planned that all intended users would use it in 2018, but it has not been implemented in all institutions actually, and there is no widespread use of eAddress in everyday communication.
Does the country ensure effective use of the official electronic address in communication with individuals and businesses? LRVK - Latvia 2021


The output is aligned with the needs and expectations of the end-users or customers. It fulfills in full extent its intended purpose.

User satisfaction

Feedback from customers or end-users helps to assess their satisfaction with the output. Thus areas for improvement based on the users preferences and needs can be identified.

VIISP portal users can evaluate electronic services according to 3 categories: ease of ordering, speed of provision and clarity of information. We found that less than 90 percent of users rate these categories well (respectively, 82.1, 86.1 and 82.3%), but almost every fifth user of the VIISP portal is not satisfied with the services provided
Management of digitalization of public and administrative services VK - Lithuania 2023

INs and OUTs (section under development)

coming in

going out

Controls to review

regulation, documentation, reports