
Process of being taught the skills for a particular job or activity.

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Instruction refers to the act of providing guidance, direction, or information to someone to help them learn a particular skill or subject. It often involves a teacher or instructor imparting knowledge or demonstrating techniques to students.

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, behaviors, or attitudes through study, experience, or teaching. It is closely related to training as both involve acquiring new capabilities or improving existing ones.

Personal development encompasses the process of growth, advancement, or improvement in skills, abilities, or knowledge. In the context of training , development may refer to the ongoing process of honing skills or acquiring new ones to meet changing job requirements or personal goals.

Coaching involves providing guidance, support, and feedback to individuals or groups to help them improve their performance in specific areas. It often involves a more personalized approach than traditional training and focuses on developing individual strengths and addressing weaknesses.

Skill-building refers to the process of developing or enhancing specific abilities or competencies through practice, instruction, or experience. It is a fundamental aspect of training and typically involves hands-on learning and repetition to master a particular skill or technique.

Apprenticeship is a form of on-the-job training in which individuals learn a trade or profession by working under the guidance of experienced practitioners. It often involves a combination of formal instruction and practical experience and is commonly used in skilled trades such as carpentry, plumbing, or electrician work.

Education involves the systematic imparting of knowledge, skills, and values to individuals, often in a formal setting such as schools, colleges, or universities. It overlaps with training in many contexts, especially when it comes to acquiring skills for specific jobs or activities.


Training covers all relevant aspects of the system or process being introduced, ensuring that participants have a thorough up-to-date understanding of the subject matter and that all practical skills were properly trained.


Training is accessible to a wide range of participants, ensuring that all relevant stakeholders and users have the opportunity to participate.


Repeated training sessions can reinforce knowledge, address any new functionalities or updates, and provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions and seek clarification as they gain practical experience with the system.

Ongoing support

Training is supplemented with ongoing support and resources to address any questions or issues that arise after the initial training sessions.


Involvement of participants is a necessary condition of successful training. It often involves elements like active learning (ownership of learning), practicing and developing new skills, and as a result increases retention of information, fosters collaboration and communication.

INs and OUTs (section under development)

coming in

going out

Controls to review

regulation, documentation, reports