
Deliberate and systematic alignment of efforts, activities, and resources among different individuals, teams, units and entities to achieve common goals and objectives. It involves the harmonization of diverse functions, tasks, and responsibilities to ensure that the organization operates cohesively and efficiently. Successful coordination requires clear communication channels, well-defined roles and responsibilities, collaboration mechanisms, and strategic planning. It aims to minimize redundancy, prevent conflicts, and optimize the use of resources, fostering a unified and synchronized approach to work. Coordination is fundamental for achieving organizational effectiveness, promoting synergy among various elements, and responding adaptively to internal and external challenges. It encompasses both formal structures and informal processes that enable seamless collaboration and contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Close terminology

Integration - Refers to the process of combining different components or functions into a unified whole. In the organizational context, it often involves aligning various departments or systems to work seamlessly together.

Synchronization - Involves coordinating activities or processes to occur at the same time or in a harmonized manner. It ensures that different elements of an organization operate in concert with each other.

Harmonizationy - Signifies the state of agreement and balance among various elements within an organization. It implies a cohesive and unified working environment where different parts complement each other.

Alignment - Involves adjusting and positioning different elements of an organization so that they work coherently toward shared objectives. It ensures that individual and departmental goals are in sync with the overall organizational goals.

Synergy - Refers to the combined or cooperative effect of different elements, resulting in a total impact that is greater than the sum of individual parts. It emphasizes the idea that collaboration can produce results that are more effective or efficient than individual efforts.


All organizations, entities, units and teams and individuals whose role is critical for the coordinated activity are covered.

Status updates

Regular monitoring and status updates keep team members, senior management and those charged with governance informed about project progress, milestones, and potential issues. This helps prevent misalignment and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Communication protocols

Clear communication protocols ensure that information is conveyed accurately and promptly. Tools such as email , messaging apps , and regular meetings are used to facilitate communication among team members.

Mechanisms for collecting signals from team members include feedback on processes, communication channels, and overall coordination effectiveness.

Conflict resolution

Effective conflict resolution strategies address disagreements or disputes within the team and between various participants of the activity under coordination. This may include facilitating open communication, mediation, or involving higher-level management if necessary.

Collaborative culture

A collaborative culture encourages teamwork and knowledge sharing. It is based on identification of relevant stakeholders, understanding their roles, and striving to work more effectively. Coordinators recognize and reward collaborative efforts to reinforce the importance of working together towards common goals.

Performance metrics

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are related to coordination and teamwork. Regularly measured and analyzed help to identify areas for improvement and ensure that coordination efforts align with organizational goals.

INs and OUTs (section under development)

coming in

going out

Controls to review

regulation, documentation, reports