Valstybės Kontrolė

National Audit Office of the Republic of Lithuania (VK)

Management of digitalization of public and administrative services

Strategic goals and objectives have been set for the digitization of services. 2014-2020 96 million was allocated for digitalization of services. 2021-2030 it is planned to allocate 238 mln. EUR. Services digitization projects are financed by the state budget, EU structural funds, Economic Revitalization and Resilience Enhancement and other funds.
Law on the Management of State Information Resources Law on Public Administration Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Multiannual programmes on digitization and development
transfer of administrative services to electronic space progress and results management of unforeseen costs and impairment risks quality improvement and increase of accessibility
Monitoring - Alert

Ministry of Economy and Innovation does not monitor program implementation indicators. Without progress monitoring, delays in the implementation of strategic goals, objectives and measures are not identified before the end of the planned implementation period, so that actions can be taken to manage the risk of delays (subsection 2.1, page 22).

IVPK annually conducts a study of the use of electronic services, but the monitoring does not include the evaluation of all (64 351) provided electronic services, but only 12 main ones.

See the card of control related notions

Output - User_satisfaction

VIISP portal users can evaluate electronic services according to 3 categories: ease of ordering, speed of provision and clarity of information. We found that less than 90 percent of users rate these categories well (respectively, 82.1, 86.1 and 82.3%), but almost every fifth user of the VIISP portal is not satisfied with the services provided

See the card of control related notions

Benefit - Stakeholder_needs

Two services ("Issuance, amendment and cancellation of pollution permits" and "Issuance of permits to keep wild animals in captivity") are among the most frequently used by the Environmental Protection Agency services, but they are not provided electronically. Such examples indicate that the benefit or need for digitization is not properly assessed when the electronic service is not used or when there is a high number of cases of use, but the conditions for receiving the service electronically are not created.

See the card of control related notions

Code (gexf) to continue analysis with GephiTerminology graph
The items above were selected and named by the e-Government Subgroup of the EUROSAI IT Working Group on the basis of publicly available report of the author Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI). In the same way, the Subgroup prepared the analytical assumptions and headings. All readers are encouraged to consult the original texts by the author SAIs (linked).